Monday, November 21, 2016


feeling exceptionally weak these days; really conflicted.

"go wash up your face, wipe off the dust on your shoulder and carry on the fight"
That's right, press on. Be patient with yourself. Let's go.


27 Nov
心里真的犹如打翻五味瓶 - 好辛苦、好辛苦。

Find myself turning into the exact person I told myself that I won't become: selfish, emotional, unempathetic, overly sensitive. What went wrong?

Friday, November 11, 2016

a short reflection

Thought it'll be good for a reflection as this semester is soon coming to an end and as I push through the last lap.

I've put in more effort this semester academically, but I can't say this same for my social and extra-curricular life - *note for next semester. I've definitely been more involved in serving at church (thank God) - whether for my group, or for other events. I've taken modules that I didn't even know I could survive in. I have found a greater interest for things happening in the world - just a little more. I begin to enjoy lessons more and find myself questioning what I'm taught. I've started to note down little sparks and lofty ideas that cross my mind instead of letting them pass. I'm more forgetful that I thought myself to be. It's like my brain is restarting the engine that has been down for a long, long time. I'm going for SEP next year. I'll probably (must?) start considering internships too. But not without a lot of prayers because I really don't know what I can and want to do for the world as of now. I've learnt that expectations are a double-edged sword - it's made me so miserable the past few months, but without it, I will always settle for sub-standard work / mediocrity. I actually enjoy family time a bit more nowadays. I have learnt to really empathize - it's not easy. Many times I've let my emotions get the better of me - very uncharacteristic of me, honestly - but I've also learnt not to conceal my emotions all the time. I've cut myself some slack these few days - instead of sinking into another panic attack - and it seems to be working much better. "Be kind to yourself", "be patient with yourself" - never found the need and hence never quite understood it till this semester. I might have have struck a poor balance between social life and alone time this semester so *note for next semester definitely. But it has also shown me who are friends whom I treasure dearly. My relationship with God has its fair share of ups and downs but I know for a fact He's always there - we may fail but He has / does / will not fail us.

Just letting things flow in my mind now and so it's a very unstructured post. With this, it's time to return to QR ^-^

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


I seem to have forgotten the therapeutic effect that Town Green has. Just the breeze, the sky, soft strums of the guitar (thank you random dude), occasional chatters, and the lively scene at Starbucks - it's almost picture perfect.

The past few weeks have been rough, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. Not because of anything that happened externally, but it was really a struggle within myself. I have never felt this way before. Anyone who knows me - you don't even need to be a close friend - will know that I'm quite the happy-go-lucky girl. It's not really a facade that I put up; work and academic matters just don't get to me. And before you think that it's because I'm an overachiever, I'm not. I'm not doing incredibly well, probably average, but it just doesn't seem to trouble me.

So the past few weeks, I really hit rock bottom. I was completely unmotivated, I felt so horrible about myself, I felt like a letdown, like I was wasting my time and my parents' hard-earned money being in school. Yet I couldn't find it within me to pull everything back together again. Some days I felt like crying over minute issues, other days I felt nonchalant about everything going on and most days I really just wanted to huddle in bed and stay alone. Yet I felt so guilty feeling like that.

I'm thankful for people who stayed around and accompanied me, but it was also then that I realised this was very much my own struggle to overcome. It was also when I realised that when I tell people "it's all in the head", it might not be as helpful as I thought it to be. I know that it was all in my head, but I just couldn't fix it even though I tried. And trust me I tried so hard - I sat myself down at my desk, at ERC, at CLB, at the lounge, just to focus on my work, but I couldn't. I tried to bring myself to exercise, to pull myself away from my room, but nothing made me feel better. And that simply exacerbated my sense of guilt.

Perhaps I was tired, perhaps I had too much piling on my plate - but these hypotheses didn't stand because I know that I have been in worse scenarios the past semesters and they didn't get to me like how these few weeks did.

Things are improving, I'm started to feel more like myself again, by God's grace. It's been a terrible few weeks, scary to say the least. But through it all, I think I have learnt to better empathize with people and recognize that different people have different struggles, even if it's not something that I personally find difficult to handle. I have understood how one can still feel so lonely, helpless and afraid even when you have encouraging friends around. I'm just glad that I've (somehow) passed this stage and regained strength :)

This is a really lengthy post but I thought it's good for me to pen my thoughts and emotions down.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

It is well

When you ask me "What's wrong?", I can't quite answer you because I don't know what's wrong. (reminds me of CFG!! Emotional literacy is low rn. I think it's high time to figure out what I'm feeling. )

I know that it's a slippery slope and that I'm allowing myself to sink into this emotional black hole, yet I can't pull myself out. (CFG says: Emotional hijack.)


One of those days everything suddenly piles on you - work, commitments, family, etc. - and you feel like shouting "stop" and taking a break. At the same time, you feel like you have no right to do so because you 1. have a lot more to do and 2. don't feel like you have done very much - especially compared to others who seem to have so much more on their plate yet seem to cope fine. Then, all sorts of negative emotions start overwhelming you - anxiety, sense of inadequacy, frustration, fear, anger, impatience - and you feel guilty about it because 1. you should be much, much stronger than to let all these matters trouble you for so long, 2. there isn't a very compelling reason for you to be feeling so low (it's not like some disaster struck) and 3. you feel like a burden to others when you aren't your usual self. Then ironically, this guilt makes you feel even worse. And the cycle goes on.

Yes, that's what I'm feeling.


I don't know why I'm suddenly feeling so weak. I feel like I need to quieten myself before Him and remind myself to gain strength from Him. 得力在于平静安稳.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

AY2016/17 Sem 1

Sometimes I don't ask questions because I fear that I'm not ready for the answer. Sometimes I already know the answer but I just can't bear to hear it said out loud. Yet, these questions are like time bombs - threatening to explode anytime.
Anyway, I can't believe that it's Year 2!!! (GASPS) It feels like everything and yet nothing has changed. I am (as usual) feeling so unprepared for the new academic year, with commitments starting to roll in and decisions waiting to be made. It's time to make a list / timetable so that I don't over-commit (or under-commit, if there is such a thing).

I really hope that Week 0 is not a foreshadow of the term that is to come because I basically spent everyday rolling around and going out with friends, conveniently putting "study for QR" aside. Also, 8 am lectures await (sobs.)

Here's to a more fulfilling and disciplined Year 2!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Never knew that John Piper had videos online, perfect for a day that I'm too uninspired and weary:

Thankful for His words and brothers and sisters in Christ.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

je voyage

I initially wanted to type a long post but I couldn't find the words to condense my thoughts into a blog-able material. And so I shall let the photos do the talking ( + take the chance to post photos I might not upload anywhere else haha) and keep my thoughts in my diary~

This trip to France was, I guess, different: I hardly knew people on the trip, and I spent another week with someone I could barely call a friend at first. (Overall a good decision to have a travel buddy though ^^) For the first time, I actually missed home - family, friends, fellowship (and food hehe). No, don't get me wrong - I thoroughly enjoyed the trip and am super thankful that it's a tick off my travel list. I loved walking down the streets, discovering every little detail, watching people, being part of the hype, sitting on the grass with the greatest worry being where my next meal shall be at. I do hope that I always have this privilege to be a carefree traveler. Yet, as always, the escapade made coming back to reality so difficult and I found myself struggling to re-adapt. I'm getting better at it though, and I'm feeling a little less post-vacation blues definitely.

(Trying not to feature myself in the following photos ---)
[Featuring fat Parisian pigeons and the pyramids at Le Louvre]
The architecture and sights were really amazing. I've heard mixed reviews about the Eiffel Tower / L'arc de Triomphe / Louvre etc. but it was great to see them before my eyes :)

[Featuring me along with many other tourists LOL] I think this pretty up sums up Paris - as an incredibly old city (explains why the apartment I lived in had wooden spiral staircase that wasn't quite friendly for people with huge luggages) but one bursting with life and happenings. 
 Have I mentioned that I loveddddd the flowers in France??? I literally light up whenever I walk past a florist because they have such beautifulll bouquets and bright, fresh flowers!!
 [Featuring Chateau de Versailles] This was one of the moments I wished I had a DSLR that could capture the beauty of this place. Despite the really irritating rain that can't make up its mind, thank God that weather was still generally good whenever we went sightseeing. Literally breathtaking being at the Royal Garden. The vastness of sky and greenery; I could spend a peaceful afternoon there.
 [Featuring The Wedding at Cana, painting by Paolo Veronese, at Le Louvre] Museums were everywhere and this was the reason why I would ever want to be a student in the EU (free entry!!!) Amazing collection. If you realised, the people in this photo are not looking at the painting, because Mona Lisa was directly opposite this piece. However, I honestly saw nothing exceptional about Mona Lisa hmmm.
[Patisserie at Reims] Quoting Srishti, "You haven't stopped by a cake shop without snapping a photo!" But that's because the pastries are such beauties!!!
[Inside the Notre-Dame Cathedral at Reims] I loved the cathedrals in France and the peaceful atmosphere in every one of them (Dr Brantner would probably say something along the lines of how the space and unspoken rules induce certain kinds of interaction, which is true). Gave up shopping to spend a short 30 minutes in this cathedral and I regretted not going earlier.

There were many more memories - and of course as of every place, not everything is rosy. But I couldn't quite capture the darker, imperfect side of the city and that will therefore only remain in my memory.

Au revoir~ :)


Sidenote: This is a rather happy post and reflecting upon the trip does make me contented, but as mentioned, I'm still readjusting to normality and there are so many things that weigh down on me right now. It felt like once I returned, things piled up all of a sudden. Friends, family, my faith, work, camps etc.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Ever had one of those days you simply feel under the weather for no particular reason? (OK there must be a reason, but on other days it won't even seem valid.) Today's that day. Feeling mediocre, weary, jaded. Doubting decisions that you have made. Being irked by the smallest of remarks.

Chanced upon a friend's FB post, and similarly, I'm one who doesn't like to regret. In fact, I don't believe in it because I know that I would make the same decision if I were to be in the same circumstance again. Yet sometimes, I cannot help but regret when I keep making the same mistakes again and again.

Today's one of those days, I just want to sip coffee, perhaps pick a book and lie in bed, or sway along acoustic tunes, or pick up my newly-bought water brush pen and doodle a little.

Friday, May 20, 2016


"For thinking... it does not create values, it will not find out, once and for all, what "the good" is, and it does not confirm but rather dissolves accepted rules of conduct.. Its political and moral significance comes out only in those rare moments in history when... 'The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity.'"        - Hannah Arendt

How much of your thoughts can you trust? Or the emotions that you feel? The judgments that you pass?

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Summer break

It's been a while!!! I'm finally done with Freshman year and am feeling pretty good - maybe not so much when results are out hahaha. I just finished translating a chapter for Yongqin and it's such a blessing to do so, for it reminds me of my faith and what I hold on to :) It's amazing what he is doing in HK :)
It seems like post-exams always follows with difficult decisions and dilemmas for me. I guess it's because I always do last-minute revision and hence put off other decisions. Oops. Also, decision-making isn't a forte of mine hahaha. (at the age of 20, it sometimes amazes me how many things I am uncertain of and how many decisions I cannot make independently. I feel like an old soul sometimes but I also feel very, very lost at other times) Ultimately, one has to learn to make decisions, take responsibility for them, and learn from mistakes, never to commit them again. For me, regrets only come when you know that you would have made a different decision were you back in the same situation but most of the time, this isn't the case.

Meanwhile, I think all I need is to come before Him, quieten myself, and place everything (including my very messy heart / mind (???)) in His hands.

Also, I think I enjoyed the freedom in Cinnamon too much that I find myself needing to adapt to life back at home. Well, it's not a (completely) bad thing because it also means that I'm kicking some bad habits that I used to have. I am learning to appreciate the little acts of love a lot more nowadays too. Patience, patience. Not just with my family, but also with everything else in life that doesn't seem to have an answer right now. Waiting is really difficult, particularly in this era whereby speed and efficiency is everything, and I wish I could get instant answers but I also know that answers that arrive after waiting will be sweeter.

GOOD NIGHT and to (self-rewarded) good food tomorrow ^^

Sunday, April 24, 2016

I refuse to let one insensitive and rude remark ruin my day, and so here goes:

1. JJ Lin performed at Star Awards (AHHH!!! rare fangirl moment hehe, but I've missed watching his performances. He's just SO.GOOD. singing live!)
2. I was arguably productive today
3. I learnt to place my problem before God first instead of relying on my very limited knowledge to try to fix it.
4. Despite everything, I had good moments with my family today (and I ate ma la guo with my dad - even though it really wasn't spicy at all D: I guess it's time to seek out better ma la guo!)
5. Exam week is coming! Which also means it'll end soon! And I really can't wait because there are so many other things that I want to do during the vacation. (yes, plan. I will start planning.) I initially thought that I had loads of time but looking at my schedule which is filled with camps and the study trip, it seems like a packed vacation after all. Either way, I'm thankful for it :)

With this, good night :)

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Thoughts run wild.

Emotions - such a constraint at times.

I once tweeted this "One day you'll realize that you're not as strong as you've always believed, or wished, yourself to be. And that scares you." (why exactly I said that back in 2013, I can't remember though) and somehow, it rings so true today / right now.

I feel that my procrastination has seeped into other aspects of life (apart from academic) and it's honestly not wise. It reminds me of the Ted video I watched a while back - what will you do with life goals that don't have deadlines? Will you procrastinate indefinitely?

I think it's time to stop being an escapist and start being assertive. While I can say that the environment shapes who I am today (and I do truly believe in this), I guess ultimately, if I still have this voice in me, I am strong enough to change.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Yes, pray; seek and you shall receive.

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Had a quick read at my dear friend's blog yesterday (hi pig, yes you!) and am feeling quite happy :) Press on my dear, you are indeed very very precious.
Haven't been in the best of moods recently and sometimes it scares me because I feel like I'm becoming the exact person whom I've always said that I wouldn't be. Perhaps it's the stress / finals / lack of sleep / PMS / all of the above, but I've always believed that these shouldn't be excuses for one to be less than nice towards others.

I can't wait for the holidays. I truly need some time reading / cafe-hopping / people watching / hiding in the library / drawing / writing / jogging / rolling in bed (ok I do this a lot even during school term tbh) / playing piano (/ travelling?)
Anyway, thought I would share snippets of my family because I don't often talk about my parents and living in Cinnamon has made me appreciate time with them more (even though I find that with the luxury of having two "home"s, I tend to escape to either one when I face problems).

My mum. So yesterday, she asked "do you have a bit of time..?" sheepishly and I knew something was up. She wanted to me help her dye her hair (again). I would reluctant say yes every time, because professional hair services are really affordable nowadays. But you don't actually have much of a choice when she requests. Anyway, my point is: I was thinking, if my mum doesn't 认老 soon, I'll have to dye her hair even more frequently (and reluctantly haha) in the future. Then it struck me that she's getting old. I guess a reason why I don't recognize this fact as much as I should is exactly because she's always trying to look young and her petite built doesn't help either (I suppose humans are often very visual and forgetful). So, I am learning to better love her and treasure moments with her, whether good or bad.

My dad. My friends generally know that I'm closer to my dad. Through all these years, I literally might have died if he weren't around. Yesterday, he offered to fetch me to and fro Chew's birthday party (I really, really did tell him that I could go there by myself!!! But he probably thought that I'm too much of a klutz to do so x.x) Even when he dropped me off back home, I knew that it was another few hours of work before he would knock off. (Can't quite find words to express myself now) Basically, he has been my hero for the longest time ever and I can't imagine anyone else who will treat my as though I'm really a princess and I can't wait for the day when he doesn't have to work so hard anymore and I'm just very blessed.
A very rare and wordy post from me, and rather unedited too~ Back to essay now!

Sunday, March 27, 2016


But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.   Romans 5:8
Filled with mixed feelings today, but I think I have gotten some answers. I'm understanding why Socrates would say that thinking is not necessarily a productive process.
Anyway, my first attempt at this doodling (can't even call it typography / calligraphy yet haha) so give chance plz.

A lot more things to settle, so little time, getting kinda tired, but gotta press on.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Good Friday

Well rested day starting off at church at 8.30 a.m. (waking up at 7 a.m. was evidently too much for me ahaha, I wonder how I managed 6+ a.m. from primary school to JC) A wonderful, wonderful morning, and I was particularly happy because my parents joined me ^^

I was just listening to old songs (I mean old in my standards, like the 2007 kinda old, like the Jesse McCartney's Beautiful Soul / Just So You Know, Jason Mraz's Geek in the Pink / You and I Both kinda old) and letting Youtube run on its own. I was suddenly so overwhelmed with the bittersweet sensation of reminiscing about school days. A part of me misses those carefree days when hiding in the classroom before assembly / sneaking off to Coronation Plaza were the biggest mischief ever (guaikia96 hahaha) Nevertheless, I believe I have grown / learnt from past mistakes / become stronger through all the experiences. Everything happens for a reason :)

Time slips away so quietly and quickly that it surprises me. Ironically, it's even more necessary to faire une pause because it's easy to get caught up amidst this whirlwind. I'm learning to treasure this tiny bit of (relative more) carefree time I have and put my heart and mind into things that matter. Nobody has got time for negativity~ (and so apologies for the previous post/s)

Shall end with verses from Luke today:

When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
                                                                                         Luke 23:33-34

It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last.
                                                                                         Luke 23:44-46

Thursday, March 17, 2016

1 a.m. thoughts

EDIT: Incoherent / meaningless / negative post ahead. Please spare yourself the trouble of reading if you are already in a bad mood.
It's 1 a.m., and I have been up past midnight for a few consecutive days. I should be sleeping, really. But I just couldn't get rid of some thoughts and I'm too lazy to write in my diary. So this might just be one of the rawer posts you'll find on this blog. (may delete this post soon though.)

Some days I get so tired of being nice. Of giving people the benefit of doubt. Of trying to make the world a better place. Of smiling when I'm tired. Today is one of those days. Maybe not the whole day, because it's hard (for me) to stay in a constant state of pessimism towards people. But just moments. Moments when people are so unappreciative / pragmatic / self-centred. Yet this bookmark tells me "Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle." (Apparently Plato said it, wowsss.) It's true, you don't know what people go through unless you step into their shoes. But you can't. (And my mind goes on and on, especially after taking Arnold's module, it's making me think more about my thinking - metacognition! Not sure if that's good though, I might have the tendency to overthink.) Yet some days, or some moments, I just feel like being selfish and saying "yea I'm part of the 'everyone' who's fighting a harder battle".

It is beyond me why our priorities change (for the worse) as we age (mature yes / no / not sure?). I was talking to Rachel (who always makes me feel like there is hope and that I'm not fighting the battle alone. And makes me feel really comfortable and at peace) and it's a common view we hold, that too many people are just so fixated on worthless things. That claim might be a bit too harsh, but what I mean is that, people are sacrificing important stuff for the less worthy things (at least in my opinion, which I firmly believe in). This reminds me of what Jim Elliot said: he is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. While he was presumably referring to eternity when making that statement, I find it applicable to many aspects in life as well.

I actually feel better after this incoherent blabber. Good night :) Bilveer's readings can wait till tomorrow.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me

Yet most of the time, words hurt so much more than anything else. I guess it's a lesson to 1. be kind with my words because they really, really can hurt and 2. to be stronger and not be affected by what others say - intentional or not. To think that I would have learnt to cope better after fighting the same problem for so many years but apparently I've not.

I've been feeling so tired these days but I ask why and I can't give myself a satisfactory answer. It's like, I don't even know what I'm busy with. When I look at people who are so involved in this and that, I don't think that I should be feeling this tired. But I am.
Let me know the struggle ends
That You can mend a heart
That's frail and torn
I wanna know a song can rise
From the ashes of a broken life
And all that's dead inside can be reborn
Though I'm worn

Direction, motivation, gratitude.
Apologies for a very fragmented post and, good night :)

Monday, March 7, 2016

a brief respite

Finally found time for a breather and reflection. The past week was pretty insane and I'm just so so glad that it's over. (A reminder to stop procrastinating !!!) I find it, however, so much easier to handle all this work than to handle interpersonal relationships. Ultimately, I guess I just need to be emotionally strong enough for whatever life throws at me. And I do think that I've grown in that aspect.

Reminders for myself:

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable -- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy -- think about such things.    Philippians 4:8 speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy towards all people. Titus 3:2

Happy moments today:
1. The sunset was amazinggg. Caught this shot a few weeks back, but today's sunset was just breathtaking :) I find myself looking at the sky a lot recently. My mum was complaining "干嘛走路不看路" hahaha. The sky is such a...tangible reminder that there is something far greater than everything that I'm going through now.

2. Zootopia tomorrow! I'm not so much excited about the movie (ok fine I am!!!) but more so about the company. I keep feeling like I've been underappreciative of this bunch, but they matter so, so much.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

I chanced upon this article "Don't Keep Saying Yes: Why you need to stop being so nice" and decided to take a look at it because so many people have been telling me the same thing. (but you see, I generally doubt articles of this "self-help" genre because many of them are based on very pragmatic / self-serving grounds) While unsurprisingly, I disagree with the article to a large extent, a small part of it speaks to me.

"Be it in my career or my relationships, I am a perpetual people pleaser, and always have been. I am so anxious to be liked that I will do or say almost anything to seek approval and avoid confrontation."

This is very true for me. I would often go all out to avoid conflicts. I remain silent even if it is evidently the wrong thing to do, or laugh off comments that I find completely inappropriate, or say "yes" to things when I actually mean a thousand "no"s in my head. I guess this has a lot to do with my family background / upbringing - an environment that deprecates differing opinions. It'll probably take a while more before I grow out of this habit.

"... the next time I am asked to do something, I should pause and ask myself if I have the time, and if I will feel upset if I do it – either at myself, or the person asking. Dr Boag gives me another pep talk, ‘Be realistic about what you can achieve, learn to say no and prioritise what’s important. Remind yourself of what you have to offer, so you’re not reliant on others for praise."
Well, not too sure if this advice will work for me but I guess the least I could do is to stand by my principles and learn to speak up for what I believe in. (Oh, and being nice is not something I will give up on - so the aim / title of the post itself goes against my principle)


Update: it's Valentine's Day tomorrow! I just had a sudden realisation that today's sharing at fellowship might have come because of V Day haha. Today's sharing wasn't exactly enlightening because they were messages that I've heard before, but it served as a reminder for me all the same - in what I am seeking in my other half, how I should treat this issue of bgr etc. Anyway, I'm spending it single and unavailable this year, and happily so! :) It's been a learning journey from my past relationships and I'm slowly able to say and trust that "God, I'll leave all this in Your hands because You have an awesome plan for me".

Thursday, February 4, 2016

le changement c'est maintenant

“The flower bloomed and faded. The sun rose and sank. The lover loved and went. And what the poets said in rhyme, the young translated into practice.” Virginia Woolf


If there is anything that I've learnt the past few weeks, it is the transience of life and everything that it contains: relationships, people, situations. Sometimes I find it incredibly hard to catch up with all the changes that take place. It reminds me to not place hope in worldly things because all these will eventually pass. (sounds emo, but really I'm not)

Nevertheless, I'm really thankful for the constants in my life. University has made me appreciate these sisters, brothers and the close friends I've had for many many years. I realise I've known some friends for nearly half my life and that we've watched each other grow, make mistakes and stand back up again. 

I'm constantly reminding myself of my resolution to be an X even though the world is full of Y ( this is something I witness more frequently than ever in university and I'm admittedly beginning to stop looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses. It's not a bad thing, really. It just means that I am recognizing reality, but it does not mean that I will succumb to it). Sometimes I lose hope and wonder if all this is worth my effort, if I'll one day give up, but this is also a humbling experience all in all. It has been tough but I'll press on because I have an endless stream of love and joy in Him :) 

Sidenote. It's mid-week already! Can't wait for CNY. I'm recovering slowly, and I've been catching up with so many old friends. Simple joys in life keep me going :)

Saturday, January 30, 2016


I know, I know... birthdays are but a social construct. Nevertheless, I gladly accept this social construct as it is ahaha.

Blessed beyond words this birthday. I honestly didn't expect much of a celebration because everyone is so busy everywhere, literally everywhere. Then everyone came and surprised me (': (and I love surprises!) And I received so many cards! (I love cards!) And had so many cakes! (I super love cakes too!) And I met friends whom I haven't seen for really, really long (Who doesn't love the feeling of catching up with old friends).

This post is revealing my bimbotic / unthinking side, but well, what's a personal blog for if it's not personal, right?

I think I've come to a point in life (note: I'm not using age as a benchmark here) whereby I know who are friends I want to and can keep for life - and many of them appear in the photos above.
Thankful for friendships :) 

Off to work (amidst frequent coughing fits sigh) ~~~

Saturday, January 16, 2016


So this year, I have decided to draw up a beautifully decorated "2016 Resolutions" and it's hanging in my room. I have to say that the effort put into making it has made me more determined in actually sticking to my resolutions.

Yet 16 days into 2016, I find myself constantly being challenged - which, honestly, isn't surprising. They are resolutions for a reason: because I felt that these are areas which were inadequate from 2015. Naturally, they are challenges to me and rooms for improvement. Nevertheless, I think it's a commendable effort on my part~ (if self-praise is any form of praise at all HAHA)


Anyway, a short quote from The Goldfinch (I haven't been this engrossed in a book for a long, long time - woes of hyperconnectivity~) 

"Often I saw interesting-looking people on the street and thought about them restlessly for days, imagining their lives, making up stories about them on the subway or the crosstown bus... For years, I'd turned those strangers over in my mind, wondering who they were and what their lives were like, and I knew I would go home and wonder about this girl and her grandfather the same way." 

This is me! I mean, I don't think I will ponder for years, but I do enjoy people-watching and observing others' actions / decisions / words / expressions. Sometimes when I grow silent in a crowd, I'm really just watching people (either that or I'm stoning hahaha, which is equally possible) and considering in my mind the whats and whys - especially the whys.

Good night world! Life has been good thus far~ :)