Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Summer break

It's been a while!!! I'm finally done with Freshman year and am feeling pretty good - maybe not so much when results are out hahaha. I just finished translating a chapter for Yongqin and it's such a blessing to do so, for it reminds me of my faith and what I hold on to :) It's amazing what he is doing in HK :)
It seems like post-exams always follows with difficult decisions and dilemmas for me. I guess it's because I always do last-minute revision and hence put off other decisions. Oops. Also, decision-making isn't a forte of mine hahaha. (at the age of 20, it sometimes amazes me how many things I am uncertain of and how many decisions I cannot make independently. I feel like an old soul sometimes but I also feel very, very lost at other times) Ultimately, one has to learn to make decisions, take responsibility for them, and learn from mistakes, never to commit them again. For me, regrets only come when you know that you would have made a different decision were you back in the same situation but most of the time, this isn't the case.

Meanwhile, I think all I need is to come before Him, quieten myself, and place everything (including my very messy heart / mind (???)) in His hands.

Also, I think I enjoyed the freedom in Cinnamon too much that I find myself needing to adapt to life back at home. Well, it's not a (completely) bad thing because it also means that I'm kicking some bad habits that I used to have. I am learning to appreciate the little acts of love a lot more nowadays too. Patience, patience. Not just with my family, but also with everything else in life that doesn't seem to have an answer right now. Waiting is really difficult, particularly in this era whereby speed and efficiency is everything, and I wish I could get instant answers but I also know that answers that arrive after waiting will be sweeter.

GOOD NIGHT and to (self-rewarded) good food tomorrow ^^

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