Saturday, January 30, 2016


I know, I know... birthdays are but a social construct. Nevertheless, I gladly accept this social construct as it is ahaha.

Blessed beyond words this birthday. I honestly didn't expect much of a celebration because everyone is so busy everywhere, literally everywhere. Then everyone came and surprised me (': (and I love surprises!) And I received so many cards! (I love cards!) And had so many cakes! (I super love cakes too!) And I met friends whom I haven't seen for really, really long (Who doesn't love the feeling of catching up with old friends).

This post is revealing my bimbotic / unthinking side, but well, what's a personal blog for if it's not personal, right?

I think I've come to a point in life (note: I'm not using age as a benchmark here) whereby I know who are friends I want to and can keep for life - and many of them appear in the photos above.
Thankful for friendships :) 

Off to work (amidst frequent coughing fits sigh) ~~~

Saturday, January 16, 2016


So this year, I have decided to draw up a beautifully decorated "2016 Resolutions" and it's hanging in my room. I have to say that the effort put into making it has made me more determined in actually sticking to my resolutions.

Yet 16 days into 2016, I find myself constantly being challenged - which, honestly, isn't surprising. They are resolutions for a reason: because I felt that these are areas which were inadequate from 2015. Naturally, they are challenges to me and rooms for improvement. Nevertheless, I think it's a commendable effort on my part~ (if self-praise is any form of praise at all HAHA)


Anyway, a short quote from The Goldfinch (I haven't been this engrossed in a book for a long, long time - woes of hyperconnectivity~) 

"Often I saw interesting-looking people on the street and thought about them restlessly for days, imagining their lives, making up stories about them on the subway or the crosstown bus... For years, I'd turned those strangers over in my mind, wondering who they were and what their lives were like, and I knew I would go home and wonder about this girl and her grandfather the same way." 

This is me! I mean, I don't think I will ponder for years, but I do enjoy people-watching and observing others' actions / decisions / words / expressions. Sometimes when I grow silent in a crowd, I'm really just watching people (either that or I'm stoning hahaha, which is equally possible) and considering in my mind the whats and whys - especially the whys.

Good night world! Life has been good thus far~ :)