Thursday, March 2, 2017


Whew I haven't touched this blog in a while and... it feels a little foreign.

My emotions have been in a flux these days and my tears are literally 像关不紧的水龙头 ._. I felt like crying over upsetting stuff, happy stuff, memories, etc.
I was almost in tears thinking about CCS (because more schools signed up! And because I was touched at how Fio was putting in so much heart into it) and also when trying to Google Map the school I went to in China (miss, miss, miss this place so much. How can a place be of such importance to me when I've only been there for 2 weeks. I think my class has since graduated from the school and moved on to the city - hopefully)

Right now I'm more at peace. Can't wait for what the second half of this semester, the vacation and the next semester holds for me. Thankful as always.